Payment challenges
Clairvoyance activities have changed a lot in their management of online payments. A few years ago, card payments were made over the phone, when there was no 3DSecure.
Since then, clairvoyants and clairvoyance call centers have had to reorganize themselves due to 3DSecure verifications and set up systems for sending confirmation links by email.
Clairvoyance remains a risky activity for card payments even in 3Dsecure, a non-zero chargeback rate is still observed, many customers have significant spending levels where the % on card transactions is not negligible.
Clairvoyance generates significant high tickets from VIP customers who purchase time in pre-payment, therefore with denied card due to the latter’s ceilings.
So clairvoyance activities have a triple need, reduce fraud, lower their commissions and accept large tickets.
YowPay Integration
Our client, a clairvoyance call center, with a center in Morocco with around a hundred clairvoyants and around fifty teleworking in France, successfully integrated YowPay in the following way:
Sending YowPay payment link by email to customers, when the clairvoyants proposed the solution over the phone, with clairvoyants trained to sell the cheapest solution to customers.
Automatic sending of a YowPay payment link by email to customers following a decline card payment.
The results
The start of YowPay adoption is slow but the progression over 10 months shows an explosion of more than x10 at the end of December 2023 with a total turnover of 1.7M compared to 1M in 2022.
We note a reduction in CC shares of 10% transferred to YowPay but 5 times more YowPay volumes than the volumes transferred from CC to YowPay, which means that in addition to the 20% of card refusals are recovered by YowPay but that it there are 20% more volumes from large customers who spend more.
The distribution of YowPay volumes: 10% YowPay deferred cards payments, 20% declined card , 30% more business.
Cost saving of 29K in 2023, turnover increase of 30% comparing to 2022 and turnover in high increase between beginning of 2023 and end of 2023.

*estimated card fees: 1.5%
“In the last 5 years the changes in clairvoyance with payment schemes have been important for us with decreases of turnover. Since then we have sought at all costs to compensate, recovering lost sales and replacing cards in somes cases. Yowpay has proven its expertise in understanding payment issues in our business and has been able to respond to them successfully. Our end of year 2023 marks a return to a turnover close to what we expected with additional cost reductions. Given the costs of Yowpay without %, it’s a win win for us, I hope a large part of our turnover will go towards such solutions, we will also save on the processing of card payments chargebacks too.”