
Recommended Banking Solutions

Recommended Banking solutions

YowPay has selected few recommended Business Neobanking solutions which are fully approved by YowPay in terms of availiability of 24h/24 instant payments.


For example some banks are not refreshing transactions during the night which delays the confirmations of your transactions in YowPay. Therefore using a NeoBank could be a solution which even would most likely reduce your costs with your existing bank with extra services, currencies exchange, multiple cards, sub accounts, monitoring tools… far more advanced tools than the classical old school banking institutions on the market.

LPB is well known Baltic Bank addressing businesses and merchants.

  • IBANs are issued in Latvia.
  • LPB is offering business account and merchant accounts for many industries.

LPB is only onboarding medium and big merchants offering only the full package including business accounts, cards and acquiring services.

French regulated payment institution, Qonto provides business accounts with min 9 EUR / monthly fees.

  • It includes a business card and free transfers. some few additional services on upgraded plans, mostly tools, no banking features.
  • Qonto provides also swift in/out payments.
  • IBANs are isued in France which makes it a good solution for french businesses

N26 is the most popular NeoBank in Europe which was serving individuals first. Now offering business accounts with totally free minimum offer including a card which bring N26 as the cheapest solution

  • IBANs are issued in Germany
  • N26 has different packages with subaccounts and real additional banking services usefull for entrepreneurs.
  • N26 provided SEPA only transfers.

Initialy an Electronic Money Institution, Revolut became a regulated Bank in Lithuania.

  • They provide an automated onboarding accessing commercial registries, so less documents are needed
  • Offering business accounts no setup, no monthly fees on basic offers, outgoing transfers are expensive 3 GBP. card, employees cards, many banking services become availiable on non free offers.
  • Revolut provides also swift in/out payments.
  • IBANs are isued in Lithuania

Initialy a currency exchange service in direct competition with banks, Transferwise rebranded as Wise moved to payment accounts and provide now business accounts, cards, swift in/out payments, US ACH debits credits.

  • IBANs are issued in Belgium
  • Wise is the most expensive, solution, 50 EUR setup, 0,41% outgoing transfer fees.

French bank 100% online, business accounts, debit/credit card and deposits, Boursorama is offering for french businesses :

  • free incoming / outgoing SEPA transfers
  • swift support
  • only 9 EUR by months

Which makes Boursorama the cheapest french business bank.

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